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Our Mission


Vote Mama Foundation is the leading source of research and analysis about the political participation of moms in the United States.
Our mission is to achieve gender equity by:
  • Breaking the barriers moms face when running for office

  • Normalizing moms of young children running for office

  • Advocating for policies that allow working families to thrive

When moms have a seat at the table, legislative priorities shift.

Working moms in Congress write and pass more bills over the course of their tenure compared to other women, and their legislation is more focused on family-friendly policies.

More moms would mean:
  • Investment in childcare as a public good

  • Paid family leave for everyone

  • Leading the world in public education and healthcare 

We elevate these issues among candidates, elected officials, and the general public so they are seen not as women's issues but as economic issues that affect all Americans.

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